
Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Days Until our Move!

Moving day is so close I can almost taste it! My husband and I have been busy packing so that we can make the transition to our new home as easy as possible. We have enlisted a number of people to help us with our move and you have no idea how grateful I am to have people actually willing to help move all of our stuff from one place to another especially since it has been so hot and humid this past week!
We have run into some kinks in getting an actual closing date because our attorney's office was taking their sweet time. Listen, I know I didn't go to school and get a big fancy schmancy degree in learning how to be a douche bag, but I know that New York State is one of the only states that requires an attorney for you to close on your house, and with that, it doesn't take a genius to get the job done. I'm sorry that you take on too many clients that you take an entire month to contact the attorney of the seller to get the damn title, but if I'm basically giving you 600 bucks to do just that, I expect you to get it done in a reasonable amount of time, especially when our broker has been riding your ass! Rest assured, I will not be recommending you to anyone, ever... Ok, I think I'm done ranting for now.
We are closing on our new home this Friday, barring any other problems..**knock on wood** We will be signing paperwork in the morning, getting the keys and the first thing we need to do is order a washer and dryer. I don't know about you, but I have become spoiled in the fact that after years of having to waste my time in a Laundromat to watch my clothes to make sure no creep steals or throws my laundry on the floor, I can just throw my stuff in, walk away, and take care of things that need to be done around the house. Time is a precious thing for a lot of people, and I certainly don't have much of it at this moment in my life.
Today we moved everything we packed up in the basement up to the back porch to make things much easier so we can just grab and go. This is 1/3 of our house. The other 1/3 of the house is the attic which I have just about everything packed and ready to go. Tomorrow i have off of work and have decided to pack up the kitchen. I have purchased paper plates and cutlery to use for the few days that we will be here. I know that this is wasteful, but with my hours, I don't have the time or energy to do it when I get home from work this's just not happening.
I am excited to move for many reasons. I'm not a big fan of my neighbors. After I got home from work yesterday, my non English speaking neighbors were blaring their music and yelling at each other up until 10 at night. All I could tell myself was just a few more days! Also, seeing how everyone is home all of the damn time and doesn't work and it's not just that they are on vacation and probably easily spending my tax dollars on Twinkies and potato chips and popping out kids left and right..just pisses me off and I just can't stand looking at people like this anymore...or the fact that the cops are at the rental property across the street from me every day because of a domestic dispute... It will be a relief to live in a neighborhood that cares about their property values, that is out working hard, that cares about education and cares about how there hard earned money is spent.
Joshua and I are getting some great ideas to do for our DIY home projects and I am so excited that I will soon be getting to share these ideas with anyone that actually reads this blog.
Joshua gets to have his man cave in the basement while I will have my woman cave upstairs. One expensive project that we will be undertaking it adding on an entire bathroom up in the master suite.
My goal is to increase not only property value, but increase the appeal of the entire upstairs space having a fireplace, walk in closets, and a spa like bathroom with contemporary flare. In order to get this project underway, we will hire a plumber to come in and give us an estimate on how much it would be to get water upstairs. We really don't mind doing most projects ourselves, but plumbing is not something we want to mess with and we need to be sure that everything is done the proper way so that we don't end up having leaks which can cause a significant amount of water damage and could cost more in the long run to fix then just paying someone knowledgeable to do the project in the first place.

The following are just some ideas I have found for inspiration for my dream bathroom. I love the natural stone on the walls with the wood panelled floors. I like the idea of the wood privacy wall which we can install to keep the toilet separate from the rest of the bathroom. I love the contemporary elegance of a glass bowl sink. There are many kinds of bowls that you can special order to meet your wants. You might spend a pretty penny on them, but I think it would be well worth the expense.
So below you have sort of a walk-in closet leading to the bathroom which is going to be perfect for how the entire layout is set up in the upstairs. Add in some sleek pocket doors and I think you have yourselves a winner.
I just love love love this type of soaking tub. I love the idea that the hardware isn't attached to the actual tub itself like most soaking tubs are. Go with something like this in place of a clawfoot tub, you can save yourselves 500 bucks. When choosing a soaking tub for an upstairs space, make sure the flooring can handle the weight of the tub and the amount of water that can fill it. With something like this, you have to be very careful in doing your research and I will be writing more about this as we get the project underway =)

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