
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


We have been in our new home for almost 2 weeks and as much as I would like to say we are loving every moment of it, I am close to being a dead person I am so exhausted! We closed on the house on the 7th and it was raining every single day we had to move. We spent 2 entire days moving everything, then spent that entire Sunday cleaning our old house and moving over the last of the little stuff. The hubby took a few days off of work to work on things that need to get done so we can actually live in the house. Gutters were overflowing with debris needing to desperately be cleaned out. He moved a washer and dryer into the basement. Demo'd a large concrete laundry tub and installed a new lighter plastic tub and the list goes on.
With my job and hours, the first day I was able to do anything was on Saturday after work. I'm sure you can guess what my first project was... GARDENING! I was so excited to get my hands dirty! The previous owner had lined gardens with these wonderful rocks, which gives the backyard a natural feel.
I spent quite a bit of time weeding out a lot of unwanted plants.

We brought some of our plants over from our old house because I just couldn't seem to part with them.
I found out very quickly when I was digging holes to plant everything was that the roots from the enormous maple tree in our backyard were going to prove to be quite the challenge.

I was able to recreate my old garden but was able to add new components. Instead of using red mulch as I had in my previous gardens, I decided to go with black mulch this time around.

I transplanted different types of Hostra that were on the property to fill in my garden a little bit.

And voila! 
Total Project Time = 3 hours
Total Project Cost= $115.00

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